ARAG Legal Protection
In respect of Legal Expenses claims You can download a claim form by visiting www.arag.co.uk/newclaims or You can request one by telephoning ARAG plc on 0117 917 1698 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
In respect of Legal Expenses claims
1. If You need to make a claim You must notify ARAG plc as soon as possible.
2. Under no circumstances should You instruct Your own solicitor or accountant as We will not pay any costs incurred without Our agreement.
3. You can download a claim form by visiting www.arag.co.uk/newclaims or You can request one by telephoning ARAG plc on 0117 917 1698 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (except bank holidays).
4. Your completed claim form and supporting documentation can be submitted to ARAG plc by email, post or fax. Further details are set out in the claim form itself. ARAG plc will send You a written acknowledgment by the end of the next working day after the claim is received.
5. Within five working days of receiving all the information needed to assess the availability of cover under the Policy, ARAG plc will write to You either: a) confirming cover under the terms of Your Policy and advising You of the next steps to progress Your claim; or b) if the claim is not covered, explaining in full the reason why and advising whether ARAG plc can assist in another way.
6. When a representative is appointed they will try to resolve Your dispute without delay, arranging mediation whenever appropriate. Matters cannot always be resolved quickly particularly if the other side is slow to cooperate or a legal timetable is decided by the courts.